Hello AMAZINGbeauties!
Today we’re happy to share our excitement for celebrity makeup artist (and avid AMAZINGCOSMETICS user), Julie Hewett on her makeup Artists and Hair Stylists Guild Awards nomination for Feature Motion Picture - Best Contemporary Makeup on The Big Short! Her skillful technique and amazing product choice (hint hint: she uses AMAZINGCOSMETICS) has made her one of the leading cinematic makeup artists. That being said, we thought it would be super fun to do a mini Q&A with her leading up to the big night.
Congratulations on your Guild Awards nomination! Have you ever been nominated for a Guild Award before?No this is my first time.How did you get started in cinematic makeup?I have always had a love of old movies and studied the make up techniques. I kinda just fell into it and knew it was for me.Do you have a favorite movie or actor that you’ve done makeup on?I have had a great career and have worked on many great films!! The Artist in 2011 stands out as a favorite because of the challenge of doing a black and white film. Silent no less. It was my favorite period of make up and fashion.
What’s your favorite way to use our AMAZINGCONCEALER? Any secret tips?I use amazing concealers on every film and love their durability throughout the work day. Good colors too.
All we can say is that Julie has done great & has so many AMAZING things to come! Let’s all wish her good luck at the Guild Awards on February 20th, 2016!
Did you like this Q&A? Get more AMAZING information and cool tips on our Instagram: @AMAZINGCOSMETICS_official.
Team AC